I dont understand men? Do you?

Why is it that men take their clothes off and leave them on floor?

Why is it that men don’t understand that carrying their unborn child around in our belly’s makes us tired, cranky, and annoyed at them?

Why is it that the more we do for our husbands the more they expect?

Why is it that men think its OK to use YOUR PINK RAZOR to shave themselves and then leave long hairs hanging out of it for you to use after that???

Why is it that when its dinner time men ask “What’s for Dinner?” Instead of “Where can I take you to eat tonight, since you have been working all day, and are pregnant, and must be so tired that you don’t want to cook and clean for another 2 hours?”

Does anyone understand this phenomenon?  Please enlighten me!

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Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments.

Thank you!


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