I dont understand men? Do you?

Why is it that men take their clothes off and leave them on floor?

Why is it that men don’t understand that carrying their unborn child around in our belly’s makes us tired, cranky, and annoyed at them?

Why is it that the more we do for our husbands the more they expect?

Why is it that men think its OK to use YOUR PINK RAZOR to shave themselves and then leave long hairs hanging out of it for you to use after that???

Why is it that when its dinner time men ask “What’s for Dinner?” Instead of “Where can I take you to eat tonight, since you have been working all day, and are pregnant, and must be so tired that you don’t want to cook and clean for another 2 hours?”

Does anyone understand this phenomenon?Β  Please enlighten me!

7 Responses

  1. Yes, I have one of those. I have three children ages 2, 5 and 33. ( you can guess who the 33 yr old is)
    My theory is, there is NO perfect man. Every man has his faults. Some come out more than others, some more often than others. You pretty much described my hubby to a T above. But what can I say, I’m not perfect either. My favorite saying is “Being happy, doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, it means that you have looked beyond the imperfections.” Don’t know who wrote it, but I always liked it.
    Best wishes for your pregnancy and you new little man on the way.

    ps. If you’re boys are anything like mine, you will be wiping up a lot of pee in the bathroom, and who knows when that will stop πŸ™‚

  2. Thanks Jacqueline! I appreciate your response and will take your advice to “look past” his imperfections. It will be a challege though LOL!!!

    Thanks also for the heads up on the PEE, I will have to think of some sort of gameplan on how to tackle that since I am a bit of a clean freak…

    Happy Holiday to you and your family!

  3. Thanks for reminding me to never get pregnant again. My husband is wanting number 2 but I am in no rush. However I love these binkis and I am thinking it is time for my kid to kick the habit. So I may have to have another just to keep up the trend. How old was yours when he gave up the binki?

  4. Emily I will answer you first. πŸ˜‰ My Hayley who is currently 8 would NOT give up a Paci until a few days before her 3rd birthday. The rule was from age 2 on tho, it stayed in her bed for sleeping and that was IT. She followed it pretty good. One night she came out and said “Im a big girl, I dont need my Paci” and threw it in the garbage. She never cried for one, never asked for it again. Yes almost 3 is a bit long but it was not tramatic for her. My 5 year old, Abigail, gave hers up at about 2 because she wanted to be like big sister and big sister didnt have one. πŸ™‚
    My 5 month old is my last, William, and he can have it for as long as he needs. I plan to follow through what we did with Hayley!

    About men – yes they are like another child. But sometimes they need gentle reminders that “Hey, you may go to work all day and come home to be OFF but my job never ends, I would love some help!”
    With my 30 year old child (haha) any clothes left of the floor I shoved under the bed. When he ran out of them, I sweetly asked him “Did you put them in the hamper?” He caught on quick.

    There is a difference between MAID and MOM. πŸ˜‰

    Good luck!

    • Awh…so cute! My little 8month don’t cry for her nuk…but we use it as a silencer…lol She loves it…but I’m hoping she does as your daughter and throw it away by at least one…

  5. Okay, Men NEED women! They are naturally helpless without us. they expect us to mother them as well as be there sweet passionate lovers!
    It seems when we are pregnant that we do slack a little but that’s what hiring a maid is for and take out!
    With all our man’s flaws we are still grateful that HE is our MAN and the father to our adoring children.

    • Men…Well, yeah they are like kids although it’s all because mother’s tend to spoil the boy’s and don’t teach them any daily “to do’s” (my opinion). Otherwise, the girls are to do household work as mommy would. This is instilled in us as children…Just think…think of the toys given to boy’s vs. girl’s… I’m not making excuses for them but I’m just thinking logical, it’s just how they will be.

      Now there or some men that are a little more grounded than others. Some will do this and won’t do that. Although I have a great husband, yes, he leave his cloth’s on the floor. But the bright side of it, he is understanding and loving to my daughter and I. A dedicated Father and husband, so I give a crap if he never picks his cloth’s up or the little nick/nacks that he does that may aggravate me at times. It’s all worth it, Family life is a blessing and I wouldn’t change a thing!!

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